Aliyun-oss-storage for Laravel 5+

Aliyun oss filesystem storage adapter for laravel 5. You can use Aliyun OSS just like laravel Storage as usual.
借鉴了一些优秀的代码,综合各方,同时做了更多优化,将会添加更多完善的接口和插件,打造Laravel最好的OSS Storage扩展

Inspired By



In order to install AliOSS-storage, just add

"jacobcyl/ali-oss-storage": "^1.1"

to your composer.json. Then run composer install or composer update.
Or, you can simple run below command

"composer require jacobcyl/ali-oss-storage:^1.1"

to install. Then in your config/app.php add



add the following in app/filesystems.php:

        'oss' => [
                'driver'        => 'oss',
                'access_id'     => '<Your Aliyun OSS AccessKeyId>',
                'access_key'    => '<Your Aliyun OSS AccessKeySecret>',
                'bucket'        => '<OSS bucket name>',
                'endpoint'      => '<the endpoint of OSS, E.g:> OR your custom domain,',
                'isCName'       => <true if use custom domain as endpoint or false>

then set the default driver in app/filesystems.php:

    'default' => 'oss',

Ok, you are finish to configure. Just feel free to use Aliyun OSS like Storage!


See Larave doc for Storage Or you can learn here:

First you must use Storage facade

    use Storage;

Then You can use all APIs of laravel Storage

    Storage::disk('oss'); // if default filesystems driver is oss, you can skip this step

    //fetch all files of specified bucket(see upond configuration)

    Storage::put('path/to/file/file.jpg', $contents); //first parameter is the target file path, second paramter is file content
    Storage::putFile('path/to/file/file.jpg', 'local/path/to/local_file.jpg'); // upload file from local path

    Storage::get('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // get the file object by path
    Storage::exists('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // determine if a given file exists on the storage(OSS)
    Storage::size('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // get the file size (Byte)
    Storage::lastModified('path/to/file/file.jpg'); // get date of last modification

    Storage::directories($directory); // Get all of the directories within a given directory
    Storage::allDirectories($directory); // Get all (recursive) of the directories within a given directory

    Storage::copy('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');
    Storage::move('old/file1.jpg', 'new/file1.jpg');
    Storage::rename('path/to/file1.jpg', 'path/to/file2.jpg');

    Storage::prepend('file.log', 'Prepended Text'); // Prepend to a file.
    Storage::append('file.log', 'Appended Text'); // Append to a file.

    Storage::delete(['file1.jpg', 'file2.jpg']);

    Storage::makeDirectory($directory); // Create a directory.
    Storage::deleteDirectory($directory); // Recursively delete a directory.It will delete all files within a given directory, SO Use with caution please.


More development detail see Aliyun OSS DOC


Source code is release under MIT license. Read LICENSE file for more information.